
Pitti Connect

Pitti Connect is the platform that translates into a digital form all the energy, creativity, expertise, content, and communicative power of the Pitti Immagine shows.

A networking and business tool that anticipates and integrates the experience of physical fairs, allowing exhibitors to increase their visibility, communicate brands and collections effectively (with photos, videos, moodboards, press kits, and a digital catalogue accessible by authorized buyers), activate commercial contacts, schedule meetings in video chat, and monitor their online performance (page visits, requests from buyers and journalists, contact database management).

For more information, please contact [email protected].

Do you want to be an exhibitor?

Here the procedure to follow.
1. Companies wishing to participate should send an e-mail to [email protected]
2. You will be asked to fill in an application form for the brand and company which will be submitted to our Technical Committee. The form requests a series of information about the brand and its history, the company profile and the positioning of the product, to help the Technical Committee make its assessment.
3. Following the meeting of the Technical Committee, Pitti Immagine will inform each company that has submitted an application form of the Committee’s decision.
4. Pitti Immagine will contact the companies who have been accepted for inclusion in the fair.

Do you want to buy tickets for Taste?

  • A limited number of staff may enter the fair free of charge; exhibitors have the right to free passes for owners and a certain number of staff depending on the stand area. Extra Pittismart can be bought. Passes can only be used by the person named on it. In the event of improper use of the above-described pass by an exhibiting company, Pitti Immagine reserves the right to exclude said company from future editions of the fair. To speed up entry to the fair and avoid queuing, the exhibitor entrance passes, whether free or paid for, will be mailed to companies before the fair starts, the number depending on the stand size as indicated in the invitation.


    In relation to Article 24 of the Municipal Regulations on the welfare of animals (resolution CC 285/1999), note that dogs are not permitted to enter the Pitti Immagine trade shows. Our trade shows are not public in nature and, therefore, the provision referred to is not applicable. Naturally, there is free access to animals working in the security field and to animals assisting people with disability. Note also that it is strictly prohibited for animals to enter both on the set-up days as well as on the days of the exhibition itself, with the exception of guide dogs for the visually impaired that are permitted to enter the exhibition (in compliance with the laws in force) as they perform their work duties.
    With MyPitti and the PittiSmart app you can easily book and gift a free admission Coupon to your buyers and  pay the amount if the buyer activates the Coupon Code.
  • During the three days of the event, you can purchase discounted tickets for 22 euros each (instead of 25 euros) for your non-buyer family and friends at the exhibitors' desk by showing your exhibitor’s badge. 
    The tickets, for SIAE reasons, must be purchased and used on the same day and are valid for one day only.

In relation to Article 24 of the Municipal Regulations on the welfare of animals (resolution CC 285/1999), note that dogs are not permitted to enter the Pitti Immagine trade shows.
Our trade shows are not public in nature and, therefore, the provision referred to is not applicable.
Naturally, there is free access to animals working in the security field and to animals assisting people with disability.
Note also that it is strictly prohibited for animals to enter both on the set-up days as well as on the days of the exhibition itself, with the exception of guide dogs for the visually impaired that are permitted to enter the exhibition (in compliance with the laws in force) as they perform their work duties.

How to reach us!

Fortezza da Basso
V.le Filippo Strozzi, 1, 50129 Firenze FI

Click here for the track
  • STAZIONE LEOPOLDA - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 5 Florence

    The Autostrada del Sole (A1 motorway) links Florence with Bologna and Milan to the north and Rome and Naples to the south. The Firenze Mare (A11 motorway) links it with Lucca and the Tyrrhenian coast off the Genoa-Livorno A12 motorway. We suggest taking the Firenze Ovest exit and following signs for the city centre towards Porta al Prato. 
    - This will take you on Viale Guidoni, Via Forlanini, Viale Redi, Viale Belfiore, Viale Fratelli Rosselli. Paid car park next to Stazione Leopolda.

    Click here for the track
  • Pitti Immagine offers a special discount, starting from 10%, on round trip journeys to Florence (valid for travel between 7-11 February).
    To profit from this discount, please contact ACI Blueteam travel agency:
    [email protected]
    phone  +39 055 5039204 

    providing them your Pitti Immagine's company registration code.
  • "Amerigo Vespucci" airport in Florence
    It is about 4 km outside the city centre and offers air links with major European cities and with airports in Rome and Milan, making for easy links with all international destinations.

    Galileo Galilei airport in Pisa
    60 km from Florence. There is a one-hour rail connection between Pisa airport and Florence.

Cloakroom and left luggage

Free cloakroom and checkroom facilities are available to exhibitors and visitors inside the Fair Complex.

Reserved Parking

Pitti Immagine reserves to its exhibitors the "San Donato" parking area (located in Viale Guidoni on the corner of Via Sandro Pertini)
The car park is connected to the Fortezza da Basso by a free and non-stop shuttle bus service. The service starts from the "San Donato" car park at 7.30 am; last departure from the Fortezza da Basso is at 8.30 p.m. 

To access the car park you must show the voucher ; you can download it from your reserved area MyPitti /Exhibitor's file. We recommend using the designated parking space to avoid traffic congestion near the exhibition venue.

The exit from the car park is allowed 24 hours a day.

Where to stay

Pitti Immagine in collaboration with Destination Florence Convention & Visitors Bureau offers a selection of hotels in Florence for Pitti Immagine's Exhibitors.
CLICK HERE to start your research.