Company Profile
Decorative Ribbons Weaving for over 30 years, Sirene is today the only totally Made in Italy ribbons factory. Sirene has always believed in the quality and skills that distinguish Italian production. Today it can boast, in addition to a trained staff, state-of-the-art systems that allow it to be versatile, attentive to customer needs and ready for market challenges. From weaving to dyeing, to printing machines to laser and ultrasonic cutting, to the creation of ready-made bows, everything is done in its factory in Cossato, a small town near Biella, a textile center of excellence. The innate knowledge of fabrics and yarns helps to stand out in the industry. The Sirene ribbons want to be recognized for the refinement of the materials and for the originality. The end user will be those who do not want to be banal and want to convey the importance of their product right from the packaging. Being a manufacturer allows you to create personal articles and colors to sample.