Company Profile
As we were among the first Parmesan exporters, at the end of the 19th century the Cantarelli Parmesan wheels were already traveling from Val d’Enza, the hearth of the Parmesan production area, to South and North America. Today as in the past, we offer a premium product, excellent in its every characteristic, rich in ancient aroma and fragrances.
After almost 150 years, today Cantarelli 1876 is listed in the Italian Government’s “Registry of historic trademarks of national interest”.
The present success is rooted in the experience of the past: the art of cheese aging (affinage) has been passed down through six generations of the Cantarelli family – an art whose secret lies not only in the gestures of the craft and in the time of ripening, but also in its space.
We still age the best Parmigiano Reggiano wheels in our cellars, built at the end of the 19th Century. The thick stone walls preserve a natural balance of temperature and humidity, therefore obtaining a natural ripening process, during which the cheese naturally exudes the excess humidity and liquids, following the Seasons. This particular microclimate enables us to ripe our cheese without using technical interventions of temperature control, which enhances the authentic taste of Parmigiano Reggiano. Moreover, thanks to this process the rind thickness decreases, determining an intense aroma and a higher yield.
Our Parmigiano Reggiano carries an authentic taste, aroma and fragrance, as per our old tradition. In our cellars we age the best selections of Vacche Rosse, Bruna Alpina, Prodotto di Montagna and organic cheese.
The use of a specific packing technology guarantees that the aroma and fragrances ensuing from the natural ripening are preserved in time, even after the cutting. To ensure this, the product is processed without any thermic shock, which usually takes place in the common packing processes.
Our pack keeps the cheese vacuum-sealed by creating an impenetrable barrier against light and oxygen, which allows us to guarantee 2-year shelf life.
This freshness-saving packaging also allows a long conservation period in a refrigerated environment, even after the opening.