Illustrated by Gianluca Biscalchin
Taste will also stage the presentation of the book “Il Galateo del Terzo Millennio”/Third Millennium Etiquette (Guido Tommasi Editore), written by journalists Filiberto Passananti and Matteo Minà, illustrated by Gianluca Biscalchin.
A special reinterpretation of the famous work by Monsignor Giovanni Della Casa, with the “recipes for good manners in current times” of ten famous people: Gualtiero Marchesi, Giovanna Ferragamo, Renzo Arbore, Valentina Vezzali, Gillo Dorfles, Annie Féolde, Marco Ciatti, Adriana Cantisani, Luca Rossi and Sandra Milo.
Taste will also stage the presentation of the book “Il Galateo del Terzo Millennio”/Third Millennium Etiquette (Guido Tommasi Editore), written by journalists Filiberto Passananti and Matteo Minà, illustrated by Gianluca Biscalchin.
A special reinterpretation of the famous work by Monsignor Giovanni Della Casa, with the “recipes for good manners in current times” of ten famous people: Gualtiero Marchesi, Giovanna Ferragamo, Renzo Arbore, Valentina Vezzali, Gillo Dorfles, Annie Féolde, Marco Ciatti, Adriana Cantisani, Luca Rossi and Sandra Milo.