“Taste and Fuori di Taste Horoscope” Special: 2025 for those born under the sign of taste
Edition 18

Credits: Auge Design 


There’s a lot on the boil for 2025: the constellations of flavor will favor an unprecedented alignment of the planets, adding an extra pinch of salt to what already promises to be a very tasty year. We have all the ingredients we need for the recipe and the table has been laid: we are ready to start this starred experience.
The sign of the Eggs: although you seem tough, you are actually rather fragile. The past year scrambled your plans a bit, but 2025 should be decidedly better and more flavorsome.  The sign of the Vegetables could be the missing ingredient for this new year: together you both could make the best omelet ever.

I. Pasta
Whatever its appearance, the sign of Pasta will drive everyone wild: it's unconditional love. Your rough surface will allow you to hold onto new affections, which this year may range from the sign of Pisces to that of Eggs. But beware of everything: even a single grain of salt less could render 2025 flavorless.

II. Vegetables
For the sign of the Vegetables this 2025 could be peppered by different events, both favorable and not. In any case, your strong roots will help get you through everything. The next few months will be perfect for cultivating relationships, particularly with the sign of the Fish or Salted Meats.

III. Fish
The Fish is certainly one of the most seasoned signs, this is lucky because 2025 will add spices never seen before to your customary marinade: new waters are ready to be explored. This year also promises a sea of opportunities with similar signs, like Wine or Vegetables, that will undoubtedly swallow your bait.

IV. Dairy products
The sign that gets on with everyone. This year your assorted qualities could attract Eggs and Salted meats, but if things don’t go well there is no use crying over spilt milk. It will be essential to pay the right amount of attention to your shape: the key is to spread your commitments properly.

V. Salted meats
The Salted meats sign will undoubtedly have an easy ride in the new year. You will reach the perfect point of maturity in the early months of 2025 and, this time, you will slice up whatever you are presented with. If you manage to “togliere i prosciutti davanti agli occhi”, the Italian expression for turning a blind eye to things, you could encounter favorable situations with the signs of Dairy Products and Wine.

VI. Wine
The character of Wine means you often withdraw into yourself and it is sometimes really difficult to get you out of your barrel. This sign needs to be decanted: take however long you need and those who are patient will discover all your nuances. There will be lots of occasions for raising toasts and experimenting new combinations with the signs of the Fish and Salted meats.

VII. Beer
Simplicity is a constant in the Beer sign's character: just a few ingredients a day are enough to ferment and lift your spirits—though not your glass too often. However, be cautious in encounters with other signs: the chances of getting carried away in 2025 are bubbling over.

VIII. Desserts
Desserts are one of the most tempting signs: because they are so delicious. However, this year you need to be more careful and weigh up all the ingredients: there’s every risk of creating a mishmash. Dulcis in fundo, an unexpected situation with the sign of the Egg, as well as with that of Dairy products, could be the icing on the cake for this 2025.

IX. Tools
The trend for 2025 is crystal clear for the Tools sign: you'll always have the knife by the handle – but also the fork and the spoon. That said, don’t sharpen your blade too much, as there may be unexpected encounters that will undoubtedly add valuable pieces to your collection.