Company Profile
From five generations Molino Angeli guards and transmits the art of stone grinding, with wise craftmanship and utmost care for the flour’s quality.
The origins of its work trace back to the last century, deeply rooted in the tradition of Garfagnana, in the mountains of Apuan Alps.
Starting from 1951, the Angeli’s family and their mill’s activity moved to the valley, in Pietrasanta, the noble city of arts of Versilia’s plain.
In the first decades of the century the mill’s activity was essentially tied to the transformation of the local farmers’ harvest, without ever losing their keen attention to quality and to the agricultural supply chain.
With the advent of the fourth generation, new equipment began to support the ancient grinding stones, thus conquering the trust of important companies in the agri-food sector and opening their way into the market of stone-grinded flour.
Stone-grinding is the very foundation of milling’s birth. With this type of manufacturing it’s produced an irregular grain-sized flour, with a higher presence of bran and the total conservation of the germ.
This whole-body flour, rich in germ and bran, are the same ones that for centuries have fed entire populations and that still live in the memory of our elders thanks to their flavor and intense fragrance.
The stone-grinded flour is much richer in trace elements and easily digestible. The difference is even much more tangible when the grinding process works on high-quality grains, since it is right in the germ, that this type of manufacturing manages to preserve, that the most noble and flavorful part of the seed is contained.
Molino Angeli’s stone-grinding, with the use of slow-rotating natural “french” stone mill, makes it possible to obtain the best flour without overheating the product nor damaging its nutrional qualities.
The careful selection of the grains allows to produce flour of remarkable value.
With a constant search for improvement, the ancient stone mill has been supported by new cleaning and sieving instruments. The raw material goes through very careful control processes to guarantee our clients a product that’s healthy, clean and free from foreign bodies. Since the very beginning, we commit ourselves to use Italian raw material guaranteed by our suppliers and safeguarded by our rigorous traceability.