Company Profile
Three generations of Ligurians who have turned their passion into a profession, passing down from father to son the secrets of cultivating this precious aromatic herb. The mineral-rich soil and the mild climate of Liguria give Calcagno basil a unique flavor. The history of the company began in 1984 with Paolo Calcagno, a pioneer in the cultivation of DOP Genovese Basil, who started with initial trials in polystyrene trays before building 11 greenhouses on the terraces of the first hill in Celle Ligure, where he cultivates the plant year-round. In 2023, with the entry of his son Simone into the business, the Società Agricola Cooperativa Calcagno was established, expanding the offering with the production of pesto and the marketing of fruit and vegetable products and Ligurian specialties.
The freshness and genuineness of the products are guaranteed by a production process that is controlled at every stage. The basil is grown in greenhouses in Celle Ligure and is manually uprooted, one plant at a time. The same care is taken in the production of Pesto Genovese, prepared with high-quality ingredients according to the traditional recipe and without preservatives (in fact, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days). Calcagno Pesto stands out for its intense and fragrant aroma, the freshness of the basil, and the complete absence of mint flavor.